Benefits of baby massage

  1. RELAXATION - When you give your baby a massage, you're actually stimulating their central nervous system. That sets off a chain reaction: It makes their brain produce more serotonin, a feel-good chemical, and less cortisol, a hormone that's secreted in response to stress. As a result, your baby's heart rate and breathing slow down, and they become more relaxed. Studies show that babies who receive baby massage before 6 months sleep better, cry less and are less stressed.

  2. COMMUNICATE WITH YOUR BABY - “Touching is the first communication a baby receives,” says Frederick Leboyer, author of Loving Hands. “The first language of its development is through the skin.”

    Infants communicate through their bodies. When you do baby massage, you begin to listen to your baby - not through words but through touch. Infant massage nurtures the most important relationship your child will ever have: the relationship between you and your child. By using infant massage, you will grasps the art of listening, asking permission, communicating, interpreting and responding to your baby’s cues.

  3. RELIEVE SYMPTOMS OF COLIC - A study in 2016 randomly split a group of colicky babies into two groups - a massage group or a rocking control group. Mothers whose babies were assigned to the massage group were trained to perform massage on their infants by an infant massage expert. Babies in the massage group received massage from their mothers for 15 to 20 minutes during the day and also at night before sleeping. In the control group, the babies were gently rocked by their mothers for five to 25 minutes when colic symptoms occurred. Both the massage and the rocking took place for one week.

    Results of the research revealed massage therapy was significantly more effective than rocking in the reduction of infantile colic symptoms. The mean number of daily cries decreased significantly in the massage group as compared to the rocking group, and the mean severity score for overall colic symptoms was significantly lower in the massage group as well. In addition, the mean duration of crying among babies in the massage group was significantly shorter, and the mean duration of sleep among the babies who received massage was significantly longer.

  4. INCREASE PARENTS’ MOOD - massaging your baby will help with the production and release of your oxytocin - the feel good hormone. And for mums it can also help with the let down and flow of milk.

  5. HELPS THE GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT OF PREM OR LOW BIRTHWEIGHT BABIES - Many studies have shown that massaging premature babies can increase their appetite and encourage weight gain. Indeed, massaged infants gained 47% more weight than average, were more alert and active and stayed six fewer days in the hospital.

There are plenty more benefits of baby massage…why not book a course to find out for yourself!

Emily x

My baby wakes every 30 - 45 minutes

“My baby won’t sleep longer than 40 minutes during nap times or during the first half of the night”

If this sounds like you then, the good news is, is there is a very simple explanation and (the even better news is) it can be simply solved!!

What’s going on:

Between 3-6 months your baby’s sleep cycle develops to include some nonREM deep sleep. So they cycle looks something like this:

0-10 minutes - falling asleep

10-20 minutes - light sleep

20-30 minutes - deep sleep

30-45 minutes - coming back up into light sleep

At this 30 - 45 mins point you baby can be very easily disturbed (especially if they are overtired - keep an eye out for my upcoming blog on over-tiredness). So they will either transition into the next sleep cycle on their own or wake up and need support getting back to sleep.

How to help:

You could try going to your baby 5 minutes before they usually wake up and lay a hand on their tummy (perhaps with a gentle jiggle or pat) or you could shhhh or put on some white noise to help them sleep through into the next sleep cycle without them even awakening.

If they do wake as oppose to transition into the next cycle, give them the opportunity to self settle with your presence or offer a comfort through your hand by patting or stroking on their tummy or face. (The sleep sweep baby massage stroke might just do the trick!). Try not to pick them up so they realise it’s still sleep time however ensure you offer the right level of comfort to avoid distress.

Ensure a good sleep environment - make sure it is dark, play white or pink noise, ensure your baby is the right temperature and no distractions.

Stay calm and consistent!


It Takes A Village To Raise A Child

It takes a village to raise a child... and that’s because it’s hard. So don’t be afraid to ask for help. Whether the is from your parents, friends, family, partner, neighbour (or me!).

You aren’t meant to be doing this on your own - use your support network to help you get through the days and nights. Because parenting is tough, it’s sleeplessness, it’s loneliness, it’s always drinking cold tea, it’s dry shampoo, it’s washing (so much washing), it’s constant fear you’ve done it all wrong. But its also amazing, it’s endless cuddles, it’s smiles for no reason, it’s dimples on the elbows, it’s being someone else’s complete world. 

So remember you are doing an amazing job and it’s ok to ask for help.